LED Fixtures
L-852A-D LED In-pavement Taxiway
Centerline Light
L-852T LED In-pavement Taxiway Edge
L-861T LED Elevated Light
L-810 LED Obstruction Light
Control and Monitoring Equipment
Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring
System - ALCMS
Insulation Resistance Monitoring System
Individual Control and Monitoring System
Advanced Control Equipment - ACETM
Airport Control Panels - L-821
Circuit Selector Switch - L-847
Auxiliary Relay Cabinet - L-841
Radio Controller - L-854
Power Equipment
Air-Cooled Regulator - L-828/L-829
Air-Cooled Regulator - L-828/L-829
Stackable Air-Cooled Regulator -
SGRS SwitchGear Regulator System
PA-2, PA-3 & PA-4 Power Adapters
Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)
Power & Control Unit - L-884
In-pavement Lighting - In-pavement
FixturesBidirectional Centerline
- L-850A Style 3
Unidirectional Touchdown Zone - L-850B
Style 3
Bidirectional Runway Edge - L-850C Style
Runway Threshold & Runway End - L-850D
Style 2
Runway Approach Threshhold Light -
L-850E Style 2
Land and Hold Short Operations - L-850F
Style 3
ALSF Runway Approach Light and MALSR
Threshold Light
Signature Series LED Taxiway Centerline
Light - L-852A-D Style 3
Bidirectional Taxiway Centerline -
L-852A-D Style 3
Taxiway Centerline F-Range - L-852A/C
Style 3
Omnidirectional Taxiway
Intersection/Heliport - L-852E/F Style 1
Runway Guard Light - L-852G Style 3
Stop Bar Light - L-852S Style 3
Stop Bar and Runway Guard Light -
L-852G/S Style 3
Signature Series LED In-pavement Taxiway
Edge Light - L-852T Style 3
Taxiway Edge - L-852T Style 2
Elevated Lighting Elevated Fixtures
Elevated Runway Guard Light - L-804
Heliport Perimeter Light - L-860 MIJ
Low Intensity Edge (LIA) - L-860 &
Signature Series LED Elevated Taxiway
Edge Light - L-861T
Elevated Runway/Taxiway Edge - L-861,
L-861E & L-861T (pop top)
Elevated Runway/Taxiway Edge - L-861,
L-861E & L-861T (clamp band)
Elevated Runway/Threshold End - L-861SE
Elevated Runway/Taxiway Edge - L-862
Elevated Runway Edge - L-862 & L-862E
Elevated Stop Bar Light - L-862S
Airport Retroreflective Markers - L-853
Guidance Signs Illuminated Guidance
Runway/Taxiway Signs, Signature Series -
L-858Y, R, L, B
Runway/Taxiway Signs, Unlighted -
L-858Y, R, L, H, C
Approach Lighting
High-Intensity Approach Lighting System
Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting
System - MALSR
PAR-56 Steady Burning Approach Light -
Runway End Identification Lights - L-849
Precision Approach Path Indicators -
L-880, L-881
Airport Beacons - L-801A
Medium-Intensity Heliport Rotating
Beacon - L-801H, L-802H
High-Intensity Airport Metal Halide
Rotating Beacon - L-802A
High-Intensity Refurbished Beacon, 224
Double Drum
Rotating Beacon - L-802A
High-Intensity 36-Inch Double End
Airport Rotating Beacon - L-802A
Elevated Lights & Bases
FAA L-861 "MIEL" Medium Intensity
Elevated Light
FAA L-861 "PEL" Medium Intensity
Elevated Light
L-861T "MIEL" LED Taxiway Lights
E-982 High Intensity Elevated Approach
FAA L-860 "LIEL" Low Intensity Elevated
FAA L-862, L-862E, and L-861SE "HEIL"
High Intensity Elevated Light
FAA L-867 Light Base, Base Plates, Blank
Covers, Spacers, Extensions and Mounting
Inset Lights & Bases
FAA L-850A, B High Intensity Runway
Centerline and TDZ Inset Light (ZA181)
FAA L-850A, B, C, D and E High Intensity
Runway and Threshold/End Inset Light
FAA L-850C & D High Intensity Runway
Edge, Threshold and End Inset Light
(ZA483-8, ZA487-8)
FAA L852G and L852S Series High
Intensity Inset Lights For Guard Light
and Stop Bar Applications (ZA489)
FAA L-852A, B, C and D Inset High
Intensity Taxiway Centerline Light
FAA L-852 Inset High Intensity Taxiway
Centerline & Stopbar Light (ZA230)
FAA L-852E, F and T High Intensity
Taxiway Edge and Intersection Light
Vehicle Undercarriage Security
Inspection Light (TS300)
Omnidirectional Semiflush Taxiway,
Runway & Helipad Inset Edge Light
PRL Point Rollover Light
FAA L-868 Light Base, Mud Plates, Flange
Rings, Spacers, Extensions, and Two Part
Base Cans
FAA L-828 Constant Current Regulators
FAA L-828 4KW and 7.5KW Constant Current
Dry-Type Regulators Low and Medium
FAA L-828 10KW Constant Current Dry-Type
Regulators Low, Medium and High
FAA L-828 15KW through 20KW Constant
Current Dry-Type Regulators Low, Medium
and High Intensity
FAA L-828 30KW Constant Current Dry-Type
Regulators Low, Medium and High
FAA L-828 10-70KW Constant Current
Oil-Filled Regulators Medium and High
FAA L-827 Constant Current Regulator
Status Monitor
Constant Current Regulator
FAA L-830 Series Isolation Transformers
Heat Shrink Kits "HSK"
FAA L-823 Primary Connector Kits
FAA L-823 Secondary Connector Kits
FAA L-823 Secondary Cable Leads
FAA L-823 Secondary Extension Cords
PLC Based Airport Lighting Control
FAA L-854 Runway Light Receiver
FAA L-854 Heliport Light Receiver
FAA L-852G Non-Monitored Guard Light
PAPI & Signs
FAA L-880/881 PAPI - Precision
Approach Path Indicator
FAA L-858 Lumacurve Taxiway & Runway
FAA L-858 AGM Taxiway & Runway Signs
FAA L-853 SAFE-HIT Runway-Taxiway
Retroreflective Markers "TRM"
FAA L-849 White Flashing Runway End
Identification Lights: (REILs)
FAA L-859 White Flashing
Omni-Directional Approach Lights: (ODALs)
FAA L-801A Rotating Airport Beacon
FAA L-801 HBM 150/2 Airport Rotating
FAA L-802A Airport Rotating Beacon
FAA L-802A DCB 224 Airport Rotating
Medium Intensity Approach Lighting
System with Runway Alignment Indicator
Lights: (MALSR)
Approach Lighting Systems
Obstruction Lights
FAA L-810 Obstruction Lights "POL"
FAA L-810 Obstruction Lights
FAA L-864 Flashing Beacon
Solar, Portable & Temporary Lighting
Portable/Temporary Elevated Lights
Solar Charged, Model 501 360 One Mile
Barricade Marking Light
Solar Charged, Model 601 360 Two Mile
Aviation Marking Light
Solar Charged, Model 702 360 Three Mile
Aviation Marking Light
RCM-D Runway Closure Marker
LED Solar Road Stud (SRS)
Wind Cones & Obstruction Lights
FAA L-806/807 Windcones
Wind Cones 8-ft Frangible - L-806
Wind Cone 8-ft & 12-ft - L-807
Signature Series LED Obstruction
Lighting - L-810
Obstruction Lighting - L-810 |